The Bohemian Press is a non profit print collective based in the University of Minnesota Department of Art. Bo' Press enables undergraduate and graduate printmakers to show, sell, and exhibit their work, furiously spreading print in the community as they go.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

October Update from Bohemian Press....!!!!

Hello to all! 

Hope everyone out there had a nice October and spooky-filled Halloween. I'm sure you've all been wondering what good ol' Bo Press has been up to! WELLL we've been hard at work and very busy with lots of fun-filled events... 

If you haven't been following us recently... we had MCAD's Piotr Szyhalski come in earlier this month to do some incredible litho prints and give a lecture at t
he in-flux gallery, which was also accompanied by a live-screen printing event. Check out our photos from the event if you missed out!

On top of that we also had a very exciting HALLOWEEN PRINTMAKING EXTRAVAGANZAA, which kept us very busy last week. Our printmaking extravaganza consisted of printing with our visiting artists Tim Dooley and Aaron Wilson of Midwest Pressed, projections by MAW, a fun mask-making workshop, and more printing with Midwest Pressed. It was a blast and we can't thank everyone enough for coming to help out. If you'd like, you can head on over to the Quarter Gallery to check out the work we did with them. Tonight is the last night though... so hurry on over!

You can check out our photos from that as well!

Now that we've got October covered... Let us tell you about the future!!

We've got some exciting things coming up... print sales, a calendar, and more visiting artists... Hope we can keep you busy.. :)

P.S.!!!!!!! EDGAR ENDRESS, a Chilean-born artist working at the edge of social sculpture/practice, interactive media, collaboration and public performance is giving a lecture tonight at 7 o'clock in the In-Flux Space! Click the link below for more info!!!